This race is a monumental run in my fifty state quest for so many reasons. As I sit down to write a recap for this adventure I really don't know where to start.
I had run one 50k race in 2005 to count as my Oregon Marathon. While I had never run more than 26.2 miles prior to this event, I do remember swearing I would never do it again for I really have no desire to run any more than 26.2 in a single race. Even 10 years ago, while it was a longer run than I'd ever done before, it was a relatively easy course from what I recall with not a lot of elevation change and other than a little rain it was really pretty simple, that is if running nearly 31 miles is your thing. Now 10 years more experienced you would have thought I would learned my lesson and the pure thought of running 32 miles, a mile longer than my 50k, through a merely impossible landscape of high mountains would be absurd. Well, now begins the story.
There are only three Wyoming marathons that I know of and while trying to find a "my race" in Wyoming somehow I stumbled upon the website for this race offering 18m, 32m, 50m, and 100m options. Since I needed 26.2 or greater, the natural best fit for me was the 32m course. I had originally inquired about running this race in 2014, however, I found that the race was closed out, that is it reached it's capacity for runners. That further peaked my interest that this many people were interested in this event. I attempted to get on a waiting list for 2014, but was never called, and learned that to register, basically the first of the year, you need to register on the opening registration day or be locked out. I carefully watched the website for the dates registration opened January 19th and signed up.
Not only did I sign up myself, but I also recruited two friends to do the race with me. First was my new running buddy George from Akron, but ironically, one of my college fraternity brothers (also from Akron area) began running marathons and he showed interest in running a race together so somehow I talked him into running as well and all 3 of us registered on the 19th. For George, as hard of a course as this is I thought it would be a walk in the park for him because he has run over 75 marathons, 2x 100m races under his belt as well as a 66m race just a year ago in Africa. My friend Ralph on the other hand has been tearing up the marathon distance and qualified for Boston in 2014, but this would be his and my longest race.
Trail Map |
Honestly, when I registered, I didn't look at the course that closely. I knew the distance but I didn't have a full understanding of the difficultly of the course. Not only was the course pure trail, it was very hilly, and it was at elevation. I've run a couple trail marathons so I think I can handle the "trail" part. The "hilly" part I had a scare looking online it may have more than 6k ft elevation gain, that's gonna be painful! The "elevation" is the equalizer. At 10k feet air gets pretty thin, this course starts at 7,650 feet and goes up to 8,535 feet and the first 22 miles are all above 6,000 ft. before a downhill to the finish. Ends up after the race looking at the elevation gain there was only 3,465 ft gain which is a lot better than the longer courses (50m & 100m) which are much higher.
View from the Start Line, doesn't get much prettier than this! |
Now for preparation. I had high hopes to get in a few runs at elevation at Mt. Baldy area, however, a very busy spring never allowed for either any trail runs or any time "at elevation". With a busy home remodel project, it was a big distraction from training and well as dragged me down with lots of heavy lifting of construction materials including multiple truck loads of cement wall blocks. Not fun. I was forced to stick to my typical marathon training program of building up to a maximum distance and tapering off before the race integrating both running and cycling. After a slow start I did gear up well, especially in the last few weeks where I felt I was finally ready for this challenge. I steady built up my running miles as well as watched my cycling times for the same route get faster, very exciting to see the improvements and feel like I'm really "in shape".
Another Start Area Shot |
A trail race requires a few extra things to prepare vs. my standard marathon practice. First is that the surface is not flat and often very rocky. Second there are not water stops every mile, so most times you need to be more self sufficient for water on the race course.
I remember running Pikes Peak Marathon in 2001 and having a constant battle to keep pebbles out of my shoes. I learned there are things called "gators" that strap to your shoe and go around your ankles to shield the debris from entering your shoe. Summer 2014 in Santa Barabara I saw some gators that were perfect, except for the fact they were all woman sizes. I ended up grabbing a business card and reached out to the lady that designed them and had her manufacture me 2 mens "prototypes". They arrived in the mail and will be perfect for the task at had.
As far as hydration, it took me a little longer to figure this out. I was thinking about using a smaller backpack with water hydration pack inside, but a week out of my race I realized I hadn't practiced with this, so filled mine up, strapped it on and went for a 7 mile training run. I quickly realized that it was too large and not something I wanted to drudge around for over 5 hours on a mountain while trying to run! I did some research and found out there are much smaller hydration packs for ultra running as well as hip belts. I did have a hip belt that held 1 bottle, but with water stops 4 and up to 6 miles apart I felt I would need 2 bottles to stay properly hydrated. I ended up going with an Osprey Talon 6. It was comfortable, small enough not to notice, yet had a couple pouches to throw in some extra food, jels, salt, and even an extra layer of clothes and wind breaker.
George Carving up the single track |
Now for logistics. My original plan in January was to meet my two
friends in Wyoming flying into Rapid City, SD and driving to Sheridan,
WY. Well a scheduling conflict with my wife's business trip to Maine
at the exact time threw a big wrench into my travel plans because it
looked as if I would need to be responsible for Parisa during this
week. I fall back on family to see what would make the most sense.
Does my mom come to California for a week to watch Parisa or does my
sister travel with me out west and become a babysitter on race day for
me? As luck would have it the later is what would work best.
Rosemary and Luke would come along for the ride.
seemed as if meeting in Vegas and driving to Wyoming would make the most
sense, which meant I would have to cancel the airline flight I had just
made. This was an ordeal all of it's own. I had purchased flight
insurance but learned it's not intended for "cancelling" a flight
without either a death or doctors excuse and lots of paperwork and hoops
to jump through to get out of and reimbursed. The revised plan was to
incorporate a trip that would cover 10 days, 7 western states, and 4
National Parks. My sister's oldest boy Luke just graduated from high school, so what better way to spend a summer before school with a trip out west?
I also kept in constant contact with my friends George and Ralph and we constantly emailed one another with updates of our training and trip plans. At one point George emailed me and said he twisted his ankle on a tree stump pretty bad. It ends up I recently had picked up a six pack of "Trout Slayer" a Missoula, MT brewery we had fallen in love with a couple years ago when hiking in Glacier National Park for a week. I decided to mail George the six pack as a "get well soon" gesture. I provided the tracking info and his reply was that he would be "tracking this package like NORAD tracks Santa Clause on Christmas Eve." Later I get a picture when our friend Greg came to visit for the weekend and George shared his last two.
Trout Slayer Arrives in Ohio, George & Greg very happy! |
I'll elaborate more on each adventure on the way to Big Horn National Forest in a separate blog, but in summary after starting out in Vegas we drove to Zion, spend the morning hiking the Narrows Trail. The same afternoon we left Zion and drove to Bryce Canyon for an afternoon hike exploring the beautiful scenery there. We camped outside of Bryce and then woke up early to begin the long drive north to Jackson WY which would take us through Idaho and Wyoming on the way setting up our entrance to Grand Teton NP and Yellowstone NP the next day. We arrived in Jackson at dinner time, checked into our hotel and then headed back downtown to walk around the square and have dinner at the Silver Dollar Saloon. The next day was another action packed day trying to get as many sites as possible within the humongous Yellowstone NP. We exited out the east side of Yellostone enjoying more beautiful scenery on the east entrance and arrived just in time for dinner in Cody, WY and a stop at the famous Irma Cafe.
Friday morning already we were on our way towards Sheridan, WY to pick up my race packet. While I was disappointed not to show my sister, Luke, and Parisa Bear Tooth Pass, a route into Red Lodge, MT, the drive into and through the Big Horn Wilderness on Rt 14 was nearly every bit as spectacular which I have now added to my list of must drive routes again at some future date. At the top of the pass is a waterfall lookout and ranger station so we stopped by for a break from the road to check out the views and have a light lunch.
Carbo Loading, night before the run |
On the way back down the other side of the pass my phone rang for one of the first times all week and it was my friends George and Ralph who just watched the start of another one of the trail races, the 100M. Ends up all races over the weekend end the same park, so each event had staggered start times from different starting locations. We were to meet at the expo and walk through together and they waited until we arrived to go through. Exiting the car it was very hot, which already is not a good formula for ultra distance running, ugh!
We drove into Sheridan and seeked out the Elk Club, the location of the expo where I met my Ohio friends Ralph and George on the front porch. We were excited to see each other and for what the weekend adventure would offer us. The expo was very small, this may be one of the smallest races I've ever run, there would only be 238 finishers in the 32 mile event. (194 finishers in 100m, 128 finishers in 52m, and 336 finishers in the 18m) Since the 100m race had already started only about 650 athletes needed to file through the Elks Club to pick up their race packet and instructions. Us marathoners love our swag, for this race we would get a tee shirt and a really nice Avex water bottle with the Big Horn race logo, of course Parisa claimed this for herself and promptly exchanged for the color of her choice. There would also be a long sleeve finishing shirt, each race finishing shirt a different color, but you need to cross the finish line before you receive this!
A View from one of the highest elevations on the course |
We reserved each our own rooms in the Holiday Inn a few miles away so the plan was to meet there later in the afternoon, meanwhile, I had to arrange my "gear drop" bag. It appeared it would be very warm, so no need for extra clothes so my bag consisted simply a Red Bull and a few snacks in the form of Power Gels and trail bars. I was told not to rely on the aid stations and try to be self sufficient, so I was prepared with my own snacks to make it throughout the day. The only difficult thing was finding the drop zone which was a few blocks away at a local sporting goods store. After checking out the store I learned the drop zone was in the alley behind the store but realized that I needed to have my race number and write my number on my bag. Of course my number was in the car a few blocks away and they had no cross check list, so after a slight delay finally got my gear marked and ready to load on the truck. As I checked out everyone else's gear I noticed my small zip lock bag was totally minimal compared to all the large duffel bags of all the other bags checked. As long as I had my mid race Red Bull I would be set!
More single track, steep, muddy, trail easy to follow here |
Now mid day and everyone in my party was a little hungry and right next to our hotel was a Qdoba so it seemed like a match made in heaven, my perfect pre-race dining spot! After a quick lunch and checking into the hotel I organized all my race paraphernalia for my early morning quiet departure. (Shoes, socks, gators, clothes, hip belt, race number, food, sun block, sunglasses, salt, hat) I met Ralph downstairs in the pool area and we had a chance to catch up a bit and talk about our past/future racing. My sister was instrumental at scoping out the best locations for dinner and was our social planner to get everyone on the same page for our last dinner including making reservations before our big race day. We settled on a local favorite called Frackleton's located downtown Sheridan. I threw our remaining camp supplies from the 3rd row seat to the rear trunk area to make space for all six of us. Our reservation was perfect, no line, just walk in and were seated! Dinner and stories were great and the night had to end early because race morning was just hours away.
Selfie on single track, trail less defined, just following orange markers |
Next is more race logistics. The 32m course started on top of a mountain pasture an hour or more away from our hotel. Shuttles left from near the finish line to the start line at 6:00 am so we decided a 5 a.m. departure would bide us enough time to make the drive. A boys an girls club was opened up where the shuttle's were parked so we could go in to use the restrooms before the bus ride. 4-6 buses arrived on time and each of us ended up sitting in the remaining shared seats scattered across the bus so we all got to talk to a complete stranger for the bus ride to the starting area. My seatmate was interesting, one of the few runners that was not from CO, WY, or MT and traveled all the way from the east coast, even arrived a week early to scope out the trails and told me all that he had learned in his week here including the steepness of the first two miles. I guess there is not much I can do about that now!
Stop for pic, beautiful skies! |
The bus ride took us back up the canyon on Rt. 14 back up the way we had come from a day earlier. Eventually we turned onto a dirt road and drove another 5-6 miles back into the middle of no where. Of course such beautiful countryside so none of us were bothered by the bumps or the dust from the buses in front of us. I heard rumors there was a 88 year old man running the 32M race and he was in the front of our bus. Boy do I love running and hope I could do this at 88, but not sure if this is what I'll have in mind as fun when I'm his age! We unloaded to already a beautiful day, no wind, no extra clothes needed and of course a lot of Wyoming sunshine which pointed to the fact it was probably going to be another blistering hot day. Oh no. The start was fantastic, one old chap from the Elks club (I assume) sang the National Anthem standing in the back of a pick up truck and a few minutes later the gun would sound.
I don't think I've ever ran with a camera, but stowed away a small gadget to snap a few pictures of the course for my scrap book. Ends up I would stop for nearly 80 photos which probably added about 30 minutes to my finishing time! George had showed me a graph of the elevation profile at dinner and highlighted all the uphills as "walking" and the rest would be running. I vowed to follow his lead all day and would stick to running the flats, but later learned even the downhills, especially when steep, plus the terrain would make even the descents hard (to nearly impossible) to run.
Another Kodak moment! |
The first half mile was actually downhill but that was the only feel
good part of the morning because from there the course turned and headed
straight up the first hill. Already the heart rate skyrocketed and
not only myself, but the whole field both in front and behind me began
to walk. Already I'm offered a chance to socialize with some of the other runners which I'm sure I'll probably see time and time again throughout the rest of the day. On the first climb I passed the 88 year old man, apparently he got a 10 minute or more head start! He even had a professional camera crew following and filming him on the first ascent. He seemed to be in good spirits and had a smile on his face as he trudged forward.
George and I met a girl/lady that said this is her first run since she had a baby and the last time she ran this race she had finished the 100M race. Her new nickname would be "trail girl". I figure if she's in site then the day is probably going well since she must know what she is doing. A new strategy in addition to following George's map of walking ascents was to do what trail girl does, so if she speeds up or slows down so should I (we). We finally made the ascent and got to a road we could actually jog which again offered spectacular panoramic views of the valley below. Ralph was on his own game plan so he took off never to be seen again till the finish, but George and I tried to stick together. He would make pit stops and I would go ahead, then I would take another picture and he would catch up. Then I would take another picture and he would go ahead.
Finally we reached our first water stop, refilled bottles and kept moving forward. There was a guy warning us of the next section which if what I could see wasn't too tough, then all of a sudden the trail went from an old logging kind of road to single track. Mostly from here on out it was following orange flags (markers) that were put in the ground (in some random fashion) which offered us a next check point. Now off the road, this was "real" trail running. The course constantly changed from here on out. Also as we went single track and had 4-5 miles under our belts the narrow field of only a couple hundred runners quickly spread and for the most of the day here on out there was no one hardly that you could see in front or behind you. A bit scary, but perfect time to slide on the headphones and just enjoy the rest of the day.
There would be at least 3 times I lost site of the next flag and realized I had completely gone off course. One time I could bushwack back to the actual trail an yet other times I would have to reverse my steps until I could find line of site of the flags again. One time I even lead a whole series of runners off track, other times I was lead of track by those in front of me that lost the trail themselves. So far I was doing good keeping my feet dry, but my luck would soon change. There were areas when running through the prairie fields that the ground would all of a sudden become very marshy and a little stream would wind it's way down to the next tributary. Many of these you could see the tracks of other runners that stepped in the mud/water and you could avoid but eventually luck would run out, and one foot would take the plunge, generally followed by a curse word!
First there was getting lost, then there were the wet feet, then next unexpected consequence of trail running I learned was falling. I took at least 3 really good spills, all with other runners around to witness. I suppose I had never thought of this as a contact sport, but by the end of the day I was grass stained, dusty, dirty, and even bloodied from impact as a result of a couple of my falls. A couple of the falls were when I was trying to multi-task, like take a picture while running or make a music change or even an adjustment to my sunglasses or to wipe a little sweat from my forehead. After hitting the ground I quickly learned that stopping for these adjustments would be preferred going forward. I suppose at this point a little trail running in practice might have paid off. I look back now as a blessing in disguise, that is, because of the early falls I realized I wasn't invincible and had to keep my running (especially downhill) in check to prevent from being hurt worse.
One of the guys I talked to early in the race I learned he ran 19 miles on Friday pacing one of his 100M friends, went home and slept for 1.5 hours and got up Saturday to run another 32M miles in my event. He said he was training for his first 100M in August and this was just a training run for him. All day I thought about distances. I used my GPS to display my total distance and then did a quick math calculation to figure out exactly how long I had to go. I'm used the the 26.2 being the end point, so the math was a little more tricky adding the extra 6 miles. Miles 8-15 were basically uphill which again meant more chances to walk. I think walking was my favorite discipline in ultra running. When only running 26.2 miles, especially on pavement, it seems like there is less time for walking, however, on the trail run, especially when steep, not to mention at nearly 8,500 feet, walking was quite normal. I don't recall too many races where I had to walk or that every runner was walking.
By the time I had reached the apex of this long climb again there were very few runners either in front or behind that could be seen. I saw a few scattered orange trail markers so I thought I was still on course and actually could see a few runners well on down the decline. It was pretty steep and there was not a single flat spot underfoot so I opted a conservative pace down the hill and managed to stay upright! I wondered what would be easier, actually running full stride or continuing to hold myself back to control my speed and balance which was actually taxing my quads quite severe. About half way down the ravine in the middle of what seemed like nowhere there appeared a barbed wire fence that lined the course for about a mile. I wondered if this was some kind of sick joke, downhill, uneasy footing, and now barbed wire. Ugh. Again pace was further slowed down and thoughts were if I fall make sure to fall away from the fence!
More single track starting steep decent back to the river at bottom of valley below |
I made it through that obstacle then next entered a more forested area which no longer had the nice open views I had been used to the first 20 miles. Again single track, and crazy ups and downs, under branches, over rocks, through small streams and no runners in front or behind so again another good place to take it easy. I was thinking it had been a long time since we've had a water stop and now in the middle of the jungle nothing would make me more happy than one of the rest stops. I reached into one water bottle and it was now gone, then checked the other and it was nearly empty. I peered off in the distance of a clearing and still no water stop in site, then all of a sudden I could see the river and caught a glimpse through the trees of a big tent. Whola, I was so happy. By now it had heated up, water was gone and I could not wait to refill. The only problem between me and the water stop was one of the steepest declines all day, so again it was hurry up and wait. I kept myself in check and slowly made my way down the hill, again staying upright, but every step was tearing my quads. I don't think there has been a race where I felt like quitting, but if there was any more downhill like that I was ready to throw in the towel.
Finally to the rest area! I think this was the first stop where it looked as if a medic was examining the runners to make sure they were hydrated and good to go on. I handled off both bottles to be filled up and headed to the snack table and was greeted by my friend George. He had heard that a runner had fallen and twisted their ankle and assumed the worst that is was me. I think he waited for 4-5 minutes for me which I thought was great and finally someone to run with again! Now refueling and catching up with George I was all of a sudden re-energized. I had a couple swigs of Mountain Dew from the rest stop, some chips, some pretzels, and ready to take off. I told George to go ahead and he did, I stopped for a few more pictures so again he was on ahead. I had new zip in my step, the Foo Fighters came on the iPod and I think I even started singing out loud as I tried to chase down George right out in front of me.
Looking back on trail along the river, finally flat ground! |
The rest of the course followed the river so again I was back in my element of flat ground. Now on flat ground and gone over my 26.2 threshold, I wasn't feeling half bad. The lower elevations of the river at the bottom of the valley also meant more heat. So as fun as it was trail running along a beautiful river, you don't know how bad I wanted to stop and just jump in! George again waited for me at the 2nd to last water stop before leaving the trail and beginning the gravel road back to the town of Dayton, WY and the last 3-4 miles of the race.
I continued to look at my watch to examine distance traversed, however, unlike a typical marathon I never once looked at the elapsed time of the day. Now running with George said we are going to breeze in under 8 hours and I thought to myself after everything that I'd experienced thus far this day that wasn't half bad! It's now on that we were completely exposed to the sun and the thrill of the flat ground had worn off completly.
George and Brian Stride for Stride in last few miles of run |
Now strategy was quickly changing, it was simply to put one foot in front of another. As this point I'm not sure if George was waiting any longer on me, it seems as if we were both helping each other to get to the spot ahead of on the course. While walking briskly, we would pick both a starting location to begin a jog as well as how far we would run. I guess breaking the last few miles into short manageable blocks was the easiest way to keep making forward progress.
We made our way into town and at a small park next to the river was the finish line. Remotivated, no more walk/run strategy, the last half mile or so we slow jogged all the way to the end. Here we were reunited with Ralph who finished just under an hour before the two of us. Crossing the finish line we were handed our finishing jersey but of all 52 marathon or longer finishes the was my first race where there was no finishing medal.
Very happy to be done and line up for a race finish bbq serving hot dogs and hamburgers, we pulled up some grass next to the river and reminisced about the difficulty of the course and how pleased we all were with our finishes. There was a shuttle service that took us back to our car and then took the car a few short miles back to the hotel where we each headed our separate ways to wind down from the long morning.
While I had 3 family members that could have been there for non-dramatic race finish, they all decided to get up early as well and drive from Wyoming to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. I had a few ours of peace before they returned and we started planning for dinner.
While checking the website for official times and results we all got a little laugh because for some reason they captured Georges finish time and posted it and while we started and finished the same time my finish time showed for the first two days as DNF (did not finish). While Ralph has a video of George and I finishing together and George finished together with me, the next day while we were each heading our own directions home, I received and email that the two of them "didn't recall seeing me at the finish, and if I were to send two 12 packs of Trout Slayer, it may help them remember"! Classic! Eventually the results would show the corrected finish times.
45 States done, only 5 to go! (WI, ME, NH, VT, & AK)

| 13:13
| 13:13
| 13:13
| 1.00
| 223
| 89
| 13:13
| 13:13
| 9:13
| 135
| 162
| 125
| 16:06
| 29:19
| 15:41
| 1.00
| 472
| 0
| 16:06
| 15:41
| 9:11
| 159
| 164
| 115
| 13:22
| 42:41
| 13:22
| 1.00
| 246
| 10
| 13:22
| 13:22
| 8:10
| 156
| 168
| 124
| 11:13
| 53:54
| 10:56
| 1.00
| 43
| 148
| 11:13
| 10:56
| 8:07
| 152
| 163
| 137
| 11:49
| 1:05:43
| 11:45
| 1.00
| 128
| 121
| 11:49
| 11:45
| 8:30
| 151
| 160
| 134
| 14:36
| 1:20:19
| 14:05
| 1.00
| 151
| 404
| 14:36
| 14:05
| 8:56
| 146
| 158
| 136
| 14:03
| 1:34:22
| 13:26
| 1.00
| 7
| 423
| 14:03
| 13:26
| 9:24
| 152
| 167
| 146
| 13:59
| 1:48:22
| 13:33
| 1.00
| 0
| 719
| 13:59
| 13:33
| 9:29
| 148
| 168
| 146
| 15:24
| 2:03:45
| 13:57
| 1.00
| 180
| 180
| 15:24
| 13:57
| 8:54
| 156
| 169
| 122
| 12:44
| 2:16:30
| 12:36
| 1.00
| 154
| 164
| 12:44
| 12:36
| 8:02
| 162
| 172
| 131
| 11:53
| 2:28:23
| 11:53
| 1.00
| 92
| 102
| 11:53
| 11:53
| 7:46
| 162
| 169
| 134
| 13:53
| 2:42:16
| 13:46
| 1.00
| 230
| 62
| 13:53
| 13:46
| 7:46
| 165
| 173
| 124
| 12:51
| 2:55:06
| 12:43
| 1.00
| 85
| 105
| 12:51
| 12:43
| 9:09
| 158
| 171
| 133
| 16:56
| 3:12:03
| 16:56
| 1.00
| 344
| 0
| 16:57
| 16:56
| 10:01
| 154
| 169
| 111
| 19:33
| 3:31:36
| 17:15
| 1.00
| 262
| 0
| 19:33
| 17:15
| 15:18
| 148
| 169
| 104
| 13:56
| 3:45:32
| 13:52
| 1.00
| 197
| 98
| 13:56
| 13:52
| 9:25
| 161
| 170
| 126
| 10:44
| 3:56:16
| 10:43
| 1.00
| 0
| 112
| 10:43
| 10:43
| 7:39
| 165
| 173
| 148
| 13:29
| 4:09:45
| 13:03
| 1.00
| 7
| 187
| 13:29
| 13:03
| 8:46
| 159
| 172
| 140
| 13:51
| 4:23:36
| 13:46
| 1.00
| 82
| 174
| 13:51
| 13:46
| 8:19
| 161
| 169
| 137
| 20:33
| 4:44:09
| 14:29
| 1.00
| 344
| 138
| 20:33
| 14:29
| 9:04
| 159
| 172
| 107
| 15:19
| 4:59:28
| 14:24
| 1.00
| 30
| 427
| 15:19
| 14:24
| 9:20
| 152
| 165
| 141
| 16:36
| 5:16:05
| 14:59
| 1.00
| 0
| 673
| 16:36
| 14:59
| 10:29
| 150
| 160
| 143
| 15:45
| 5:31:50
| 15:15
| 1.00
| 0
| 741
| 15:46
| 15:15
| 9:24
| 146
| 159
| 145
| 17:39
| 5:49:29
| 14:41
| 1.00
| 30
| 758
| 17:39
| 14:41
| 9:06
| 148
| 167
| 137
| 12:37
| 6:02:06
| 12:37
| 1.00
| 49
| 367
| 12:37
| 12:37
| 8:20
| 162
| 174
| 144
| 15:10
| 6:17:16
| 14:28
| 1.00
| 62
| 276
| 15:10
| 14:28
| 8:21
| 152
| 167
| 132
| 13:03
| 6:30:19
| 12:25
| 1.00
| 10
| 108
| 13:04
| 12:25
| 7:16
| 149
| 164
| 134
| 10:41
| 6:41:01
| 10:41
| 1.00
| 10
| 52
| 10:41
| 10:41
| 7:40
| 158
| 166
| 142
| 11:06
| 6:52:06
| 11:06
| 1.00
| 20
| 33
| 11:06
| 11:06
| 7:56
| 155
| 168
| 141
| 12:10
| 7:04:16
| 11:18
| 1.00
| 0
| 39
| 12:10
| 11:18
| 8:26
| 151
| 169
| 132
| 11:43
| 7:16:00
| 11:43
| 1.00
| 7
| 7
| 11:43
| 11:43
| 7:37
| 150
| 163
| 138
| 2:47.9
| 7:18:48
| 2:48
| 0.29
| 0
| 7
| 9:43
| 9:43
| 8:44
| 163
| 173
| 158
Summary | 7:18:48 | 7:18:48 | 6:57:25 | 31.29 | 3,465 | 6,722 | 14:01 | 13:20 | 7:16 | 154 | 174 | 132 |